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Black Canvas Gas Mask Bag with Silk Scarf Pieces

Black Canvas Gas Mask Bag with Silk Scarf Pieces

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One of a kind, hand reclaimed fashion! A new, military gas mass replica bag is made into a piece of wearable art with authentic vintage designer scarf pieces.

The bag flap is adorned with pieces from multiple designer silk scarves - so unique! The bag has one main compartment with inside pocket and storage pouch with drawstring. Fitted storm flap with 2-position button closure. Extra-long, adjustable shoulder strap.

The bag is in new condition, the scarf pieces are vintage or preloved and may show flaws, wear, and stains. Please see all pictures as part of description and for condition.

This one of a kind item is final sale. 


Kneaded Fashion is not affiliated with the DOD or any Military Service or with the brands whose silk we alter to create our one of a kind pieces of wearable art.